Villa Cin Cin - Check In/Check Out Policies
CHECK-IN: Check-in time at Villa Cin Cin is generally not before 3:00 PM. If your villa is not occupied the day you arrive, you can pre-arrange for an early check-in with us in advance. If other guests are departing your villa that same day, you may not physically arrive at your villa until 3 PM or later. We suggest you enjoy lunch in Cruz Bay at one of the nearby restaurants or shop at Mongoose Junction, or perhaps you may need to pick up a few items at the Starfish or St. John Market. You can head to Villa Cin Cin after 3 PM and enjoy some appetizers and drinks before your delicious catered dinner. We feel it is essential for Villa Cin Cin guests to enjoy our heartwarming hospitality properly, especially after your long day of travel.
CHECK-OUT: A $500 penalty for extra housekeeping staff will be charged to all parties departing after 10:00 AM without our permission. We must give our housekeepers time to do a deep cleaning while laundering the bed sheets and bath towels before our next guests arrive. Please tour and leave Villa Cin Cin tidy before you depart. This includes disposing of all trash and garbage to the nearest St. John trash dumpster. No garbage should be left outside or in the villa upon departure, nor should food be left on counters or in the sink. An additional fee will be assessed for any garbage left at the villa or extra housekeeping beyond what is expected. If you want private trash removal, please arrange this with our house manager upon arrival. Please do not leave wet towels in a pile, as the warm and humid conditions will cause them to get musty and mildew quickly. Please hang them on the towel hooks that are throughout the villa. Please launder your beach towels before departure. And finally, please return Ditleff Point's Gate Keys and all villa keys. There is a $200 fee to replace a Ditleff Point Gate Key and a $100 fee to replace any door keys. No refunds for early departures.